Chorotheatro Omada Pende presents Roula Kleovoulou’s new work titled Dear You.
DEAR YOU is a 'Performance Installation' inspired by love letters written by various well-known authors. Inspired by the nostalgia of a lost era. Of an era that nowadays can only be real through books and cinema. Our communication has now become a 'text', it has become an 'email', it has become a 'messenger' a 'viber'... It has become instantaneous, fast, easy, its a communication of here and now…
Choreography/Performer: Roula Kleovoulou
Dramaturgy: Chloe Melidou
Visual installation: Elena Kotasvili, Andreas Antoniou
Costume: Pandelis Pandeli
Music/sound: Chris Cara
Rialto Theatre, Friday 30 of September at 19:00 & 21:00
Tickets Prices: €10/8
E-Tickets available here:
Information: 77 77 77 45
(Monday- Friday 10:00-15:00, also 1,5 hour before the start of the events)
