Associate Artist Residence Scheme
In the framework of the Associate Artist Residence Scheme, the Rialto Theatre assigns to the selected artists the development of a programme that meets its broader cultural development objectives through innovative and modern forms of artistic expression. The events must be focused on educating, cultivating and expanding the audience.
Following the play development workshop titled Develop. Develop Again. Develop Better, which was implemented last year by Paris Erotokritou in collaboration with theatre director Maria Kyriacou and writers Maria Ioannou, Avgi Lili, Stefanos Stavridis and Yiorgos Trillides, as well as actors Elena Kallinikou, Yiorgos Kyriakou, Panayiota Papageorgiou and Vasilis Charalambous, the Associate Artist Residence Scheme continues with the project titled Peripato conceived by Maria Varnakkidou and Constantina Andreou.
Through a modern and inventive process, the two artists created an experiential recorded tour around Heroes’ Square and the Rialto Theatre, which narrates, recalls old and creates new images and experiences.
Prior to the project’s implementation, the artists conducted archival research, carried out interviews with historians and artists, held workshops, open discussions, mapping and audiovisual material production.

Lia Haraki: Rialto Theatre’s Associate Artist for 2023
Spanning this year the 3rd edition of the ‘Associate Artist’ programme, the Rialto Theatre has selected for 2023 acclaimed Cypriot artist Lia Haraki. Her work, and that of her collaborators at pelma.lia haraki, is marking this year a 20-year milestone in the performing arts. In addition to the 52 projects for stage and alternative venues, including international tours and multiple distinctions, the work of Lia Haraki now extends to methods of creation and composition addressed to artists and non-artists alike.
The artist herself considers that the project development procedure has invaluable tools of expression and creativity to offer to the wider community. Within this collaboration with the Rialto Theatre, which has hosted so far more than half of her works on its stage, Lia now proposes a series of workshops introducing her methods to the artists and the audience alike, as well as performances in which the key element is the body that resonates, moves, talks, feels, states and connects itself to the body of the viewer, in an attempt to activate it.
Specifically, the following events will be held:
Performing biography – Α stand-up solo performance practice
A series of meetings in the form of workshops addressed to performing artists and performers who wish to explore the autobiographical solo as a genre. At the end of this series of workshops, the participants’ short solos will be presented on Rialto’s stage.
ΙntuNition workshop and durational performance
On the occasion of the tenth-year anniversary of the solo Tune In, which resonated with audiences both in Cyprus and internationally, Lia now invites those who have already experienced the IntuNition practice in the past (or anyone new to this practice) on Rialto’s stage for a one-day marathon featuring musicians and DJs.
‘Τhe bodies we swore’ – New work
This new project will be presented on Rialto’s stage in late 2023, featuring songs and characters from the company’s works, as part of an on-stage dinner where the audience itself takes the role of the invited guests.
More information about these events will follow at a later stage.
The following programs are implemented with the support of “CULTURE” - Deputy Ministry of Culture of Cyprus.
*Photographer Pavlos Vryonidis